Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku, a renowned Japanese culinary college specialising in traditional sushi-making and washoku, planned to open a UK branch in response to the growing global interest in Japanese cuisine. Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku, London, would be the only institution in the UK offering a unique diploma course officially certified by the Japanese government. The goal was to adapt the brand’s identity to resonate with UK and European audiences while preserving its authentic Japanese roots.
The challenge was to translate Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku’s brand identity for a Western audience without losing the cultural authenticity and depth of traditional Japanese culinary arts. The new branding had to appeal to UK and European markets while clearly conveying the college’s exclusive offering, rooted in the principles and aesthetics of Japanese cuisine and design.
Collaborating closely with the client, we developed a brand identity and website that effectively communicated the essence of Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku to UK and European audiences. Drawing on Japanese design principles, particularly Kanso—which emphasises simplicity and natural expression—we crafted a clean, uncluttered brand direction that conveyed clarity and elegance. This approach honoured the traditional values of the college while making the brand accessible and appealing to its new audience.