Coopervision, Biofinity



Coopervision, a leading supplier of soft contact lenses in over 100 countries, developed Biofinity, a silicon hydrogel lens designed to provide superior comfort, eye health, and clear vision. The company sought to launch an upgrade campaign to communicate these benefits effectively to both opticians and customers, with the goals of educating opticians and encouraging customers, including both glasses and contact lens wearers, to choose Biofinity.


The challenge was to make Biofinity stand out in the highly traditional and visually uniform eye care market, where marketing materials often focus on people in glasses and convey a formal tone. The campaign needed to break through this visual monotony and clearly highlight the unique benefits of Biofinity’s new silicon hydrogel technology in a way that would engage both opticians and potential customers.


To ensure the campaign’s message resonated, we designed bold, eye-catching marketing materials that emphasised Biofinity’s comfort, health, and vision benefits. Our approach replaced the standard, conservative visuals with vibrant, fun imagery and messaging that captured the innovation of the silicon hydrogel lens. This engaging strategy helped explain the product’s advantages in a memorable way, making a strong impression on both opticians and potential customers. The campaign was successful, showing an increase in engagement and an uptake in enquires of Biofinity lenses through the participating opticians.